

aboveType?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, TerrainType>

The water terrain type that is a step above, or a less deep version of itself (which has specific rules based on the biometype).

animated?: boolean
background?: TerrainType
baseTerrain?: TerrainType
burnItem?: ItemType
canBeDug?: boolean

When digging this tile, can it be dug down to a maximum depth and show a visual?

caveSwitch?: TerrainType

The tile to switch to when collapsing or opening up a cave entrance.

civilizationScore?: number

The amount of civilization score to give when building this.

contaminatedType?: OptionalDescriptions<WaterType, TerrainType>

The reversed or contaminated type that this water turns into.

cooledTile?: TerrainType

Puddles will cool down tiles and create the following TerrainType on this tile.

decayTemperatureRange?: IDecayTemperatureRange
deepWater?: boolean
diesInto?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, TerrainType>

When this tile dies via the "isGrass" property, this is what the tile turns into.

durability?: ItemType

Bases the durability on an item type. Any item that has a SetDown action should have this set for the matching terrain type.

flammable?: boolean
freshWater?: boolean
gather?: boolean
gatherSkillUse?: SkillType
hasMound?: boolean
ice?: boolean
isCave?: boolean

is either a cave entrance or collapsed cave entrance. Used for multiple checks.

isGrass?: boolean

When tilling this terrain, you will attempt to dig up the grass instead.

isMountain?: boolean
isMountainGround?: boolean
isOre?: boolean
isSlippery?: boolean

True if the terrain allows for sliding

leftOvers?: ILeftOverTile[]
lightColor?: IRGBA

If set, this tile will be illuminated in this color and alpha.

meltFromItem?: ItemType

Item that defines the decay amount when this doodad is melting.

meltsInto?: TileEventType[]

Array of tile events that are spawned when terrain decays (or melts).

Do not provide or modify this value, only reference it. This is set by the modding system during the process of registration.

noBackground?: boolean
noLos?: boolean
noResting?: boolean
particles?: IRGB
passable?: boolean
preventBuilding?: boolean | Set<DoodadType>

Set to true to prevent building things on the tile. Or set it to a list of allowed doodad types that can be built on the tile.

puddleType?: TileEventType

The type of puddle it produces when splashed.

reduceRest?: boolean
renderOverOtherMountains?: boolean
seawater?: boolean
shallowWater?: true
slipperyWhenWet?: number

Chance of slipping when there's puddles of water on it (amount is multiplied by the amount of puddles up to a maximum of three).

sound?: SfxType
swampWater?: boolean
temperature?: number

The temperature produced by this terrain. When not provided, uses Temperature.Neutral.

terrainType?: TerrainType
tileOnConsume?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, TerrainType>

Tile to create when consuming the tile (in the case of gathering/drinking water)

tillable?: boolean
updateNeighbors?: true

Update neighbors when the tile type is involved

useDoodadLikeAdaptor?: boolean

True if the terrain sprite is like a doodad

water?: true
waterBaseType?: TerrainType

Base version of the water used for tilemapping.

waterTerrainOnDig?: TerrainType

Terrain that water tile becomes when dug up using the dig action.

waterTerrainOnRoute?: TerrainType

Terrain that a tile becomes when routed using the dig action.

wet?: boolean

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